Requirements for partner groups in social media


Before creating a group, think about a platform. To begin with, it is better to choose one social network and try to develop a community in it. Analyze where your audience is concentrated, what kind of content you would like to create for them (videos, longreads, powerful stories, etc.), and what promotional opportunities you would like to use.


  • The word AI SMM and product names (AI SMM, AI NeuroMarketing, ParserVKon, NeuroBot, NeuroVCart, etc.) must not appear in the community name and username.
  • It is obligatory to use the phrase “official AI SMM partner” in the account description with the legal name of the company. For example: “OOO Right Choice” is an official AI SMM partner.
  • Recommendation: the name should not be too long, contain a lot of numbers and abbreviations. It is better to reflect in the description of the group how it can be useful, leave a link to the site and write how to contact you.



Content is the reason to subscribe to your group. Make sure your posts are useful to your audience, publish content regularly and actively answer questions

Customer communications

  • It is not worth leaving comments in the official AI SMM communities from the partner account. Social media promotion specialists will definitely take the references to work and, if necessary, connect colleagues.
  • If you notice a negative comment about AI SMM, which still remained unattended, it is better not to respond on your own. It is long, energy-consuming and unpleasant. It is better to report it to
    We don’t use insults, bullying or rude remarks against another person (and we don’t advise you not to).