Ligaments that get results!

WhatsApp mailing with an offerer

TA – Entrepreneurs
Specific to TA – Beauty salons, private masters.
Traffic type – WhatsApp mailing

Partner’s case on attracting 5437 registrations to the system in 2 weeks. and receiving 673 payments and income of more than $ 2 million.

The instructions will tell you how to:


The preparatory phase consists of several steps.

  1. Preparation of numbers for WhatsApp mailing
  2. Collection of the base and its segmentation;
  3. Mailing customization.

Let’s break down each step in detail!

1. Preparing numbers for WhatsApp mailing
  • Physical SIM cards in the amount of 25 pieces (bought at the market)
  • Android phone (64g memory, 8g RAM)
  • Super Clone app (to create duplicate WhatsApp app)

Once we have all the items above perform the following steps.


STEP 1: WhatsApp to warm up
  1. Install the WhatsApp business app, on your phone;
  2. Insert the SIM card into the phone;
  3. Using the Super Clone application, make a duplicate of WhatsApp Business
  4. Register this phone number in it;
  5. For convenience (I made different application names with the phone number (last 4 digits) and created a mini folder with the data of the phone number, so that later you do not have to look for SIM cards).
  6. Repeat the process 25 times

Profile design is important

  1. Profile name works well (female)
  2. Profile photo (girl live photo, taken from Yandex photo)
  3. Link to the site stood with a referral program

After registering WhatsApp, put your phone away for half a day, let Whatsapp get used to them (otherwise you can get banned immediately)

STEP 3: Upload base to WaNeuro

At this stage we are uploading our bases to the mailing service!

Through my link you will have 1 month test period with 25 accounts and 10 million messages Which is enough.

In the last stage we divided the phones into IOS and the rest, so that you can send users with iPhones in 1 message link in the form of a button that will be active!

Buttons are not displayed on android

So we follow these steps. At this stage, we will also need WhatsApp numbers if they have already rested for half a day.

  1. Register in WaNeuro
  2. If the numbers have been deposited, scan the QR code from them (if not, we will do it later).
  3. Go to contacts and create new folders of 3 folders
    • iPhones
    • Androids
    • Warming
  4. Now load our bases into the given folders here the process is important
    • open google disk and upload this file to it without any changes
    • Insert our database into it (IMPORTANT bring all numbers in a single form they must begin with 1 (not +1 and not 1, but exactly 1) in the name load the name in repoeneneny surname current place of work
      download the resulting files
      If you have done everything correctly, you will see these fields with your numbers.
    • In folder 3, put all your WhatsApp numbers.
STEP 4: Warming up WhattsApp numbers

Setting up an answering machine

In the first account, go to the autoresponder section and type Spintax something like this: {hello can I ask you a question | how much are the sneakers? | when will the delivery be? | where is your store? | is there a discount? | have a nice day, I’ll call you | on the phone} The autoresponder should be set up at intervals of 30 – 60 minutes The more spintax options you write the better you will warm up your account.

Customizing the chat bot

In the second account we set up a chat bot, for each message that will be sent to us, our first bot using an autoresponder. Our autoresponder from the example has 7 messages that will follow each other, we need to come up with 7 responses and insert keywords from each message.

Go to the chat bot section and create a new answer, check the box that recognizes the full phrase, copy the first answer “hello can I ask you a question”, paste it into the chat bot and press enter. Then we write the answer, for example: “hello, yes ask, we will answer all your questions” In the same way it is necessary to write keywords for all phrases from the auto-responder of the first bot.



Create a template like this one time, after which modify it a bit and scale it into 10-20 more templates. Then use these templates for a quick five-minute warm-up setup.

This way of warming up is suitable if you have a large number of accounts.

We’re launching the mailing in a week and we’re getting clients.

The most important thing

  1. It is the physical sim cards that are important!
    • They will be blocked when mailing.
    • Your task is to restore them immediately after blocking.
    • To do this, here are some simple instructions
    • Uninstall the emulator that this number was on
    • through the main application WhatsApp business not emulator
    • Re-register and send a request to WhatsApp for unblocking.
    • After receiving a reply about unblocking, authorize in a new emulator.
    • give 1 day of dormancy
    • 1 day of warm-up
      and mailing again.
  2. Split the base into IOS and others
    • IOS send messages with the button
    • Everyone else in 2 messages
    • At the beginning of the mailing.
    • to any first message, reply with an offer
  3. Make shortening links through services where there are statistics on their transitions

My results

It’s a week of warming up 50 SIM cards in WhatsApp

and 2 weeks of mailing lists with segmentation of clients into owners and workers with individual offers for each segment.

I ended up sending out 17,000 messages.

of which 5437 people registered in the system

and 673 people made payments!

If you need advice I am always happy to help you in the cart