A schedule of work and improvements!

You can follow our development and release schedule for new features, as well as suggest your own ideas

The plan is to

Creating images for a post during its AI generation

Addition to the module So that it not only creates posts but also generates the necessary photos

AI SMM module for REELS and STORIES

Teach AI how to create short videos and infographics as videos with transitions and automatic scheduling and publishing to social networks

Creating bots

Ability to create bots with AI for social networks INST, FB, Telegram via official API

Creating a mini site

Creating a taplink on the internal constructor

Automatic translation

Ability to publish posts and videos in multiple languages to the desired social networks when adding a post. (Translation with AI )

In the course of implementation


Creating gamification for Instagram. Accrual of points for certain actions with your profile Like, comment, with the output of the standings on the site

Twitter private messaging module

The official API does not support, so we do through a gray channel, Opens the possibility of correspondence with customers.

Linkedin marketing tool

Additional features of Linkedin module

Instagram live streaming module

The official API doesn't support it, so we do it through a gray channel.

Module of automatic activity in Instagram

The official API doesn't support it, so we do it through a gray channel.

It's done

Translation of publications into other languages

Added the ability to add congratulatory social profiles, which will publish posts like the parent profile, but translated into the desired content language
Added 12.10.2023

Adding Social Media Threads

Possibility to publish posts through a gray channel
Added 17.08.2023

The user can use their own Twitter API application.

Can create folders and upload files to them
Added 16.05.2023

Company module

Ability to train AI about your company for further use in all system functions
Added 12.10.2023

Signing in to Instagram accounts using an unofficial API

The official API doesn't support it, so we do it through a gray channel.
Updated 05.07.2023

New file manager feature

Can create folders and upload files to them
Added 16.05.2023

Partner module

Receiving remuneration for each attracted and paid client in the system

TicToc marketing tool

Ability to auto-publish posts in Tiktok
Added 25.06.2023

Suggestions for AI SMM