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How to create a post

In order to create a new post and schedule it to be published to a social network or networks you need to use the built-in “Create Post” tool

Its interface is designed to be as user-friendly as possible for your use and includes all the necessary functions for full-fledged work with the tool

  1. Post with photo and video
  2. Post with link
  3. Text post
  4. Selecting photos for the post and displaying the selected ones
  5. Upload photo from PC / Create photo with ChatGPT4, Create photo with Adobe
  6. Post customization interface
  7. Selected social networks and selecting them for posting
  8. Photos selected for post
  9. Text for the post
  10. Interface of displaying how the post will look like in one or another social network
  11. Selecting a social network to view a typical post
  12. The text of the post you have written
  13. Number of characters in the post
  14. Selection of Template posts you have created
  15. Save this post to a template for future use
  16. Working with AI you can use GRPT 4 chat to write the post or AI SMM to write it.
  17. Shortening links in the text
  18. Additional customization of different social networks that you need to publish to them
  19. The headline that the social network is requesting to publish to
  20. The link that the social network is requesting for publication
  21. When to publish (Now, In a while, Save in drafts)

With the help of this interface it is maximally convenient to create publications in a large number of social networks!