These 2024 Instagram trends are definitely worth picking up for yourself

В этой статье мы рассмотрим:
Контент-маркетинг в 2024 году: прощай, однодневный контент.
Ролики: новые герои эпохи:
Вторичный контент хорош. Успех необходимо клонировать.
Все изменится, а мемы останутся!
Продажи 2024: как превратить подписчиков в золото?

Content Marketing in 2024: Goodbye, one-day content.

Hello, Timeless!
1- The era of one-day stories is over. No to everyday life and day reports.
How much time do you now spend on content that disappears like morning fog? I’m talking about storis here that only live for 24 hours. In 2024, you can relax your buttocks. Now timeless content is our new motto. YouTube and Telegram become our new best friends, where content lives forever, like Elvis legends in Las Vegas.
Let storis become a casual party at friends’ houses. Forget about polished visuals and scripts. It’s all about naturalness and everyday scenes. We slice them like fresh bread: 7-15 short but appetizing slices. Like an unpretentious diary, they show our life without filters and pathos.
And it can also be made the site of bold experiments. We use them as a testing ground. 2-3 times a week is the perfect dose for this magical laboratory.


Once again, storis becomes a platform for hypothesis testing. Seeing how much audience engagement the content is getting.
– 2-3 times a week in stories
– 5-7 riles per week
– 4-8 posts a month.

Reels: to the new heroes of the era

It’s different with reels: they’re as eternal as the love of pizza. 5-7 reels a week and you’re on your way to eternal glory! Reels are not just a video, they are our story that lives happily ever after.
And the most important rule here is that you can’t get bored! Room for dynamics, trends and deep meaning. Think of them as mini-shows or TV series, where each episode is so exciting that it’s impossible to stop watching. At the same time, you don’t need a movie-like picture. There are many legends about reels. And our task is to think only about dynamics, meanings that we put in the script and relevance. The main criterion is whether it’s boring or not.
Aki important! When we create reels, we make sure to draw a funnel. It’s not just a video – it’s a journey that leads from an interesting beginning to an exciting sequel, and sometimes, to a promotion or sale. A knock, knock, magical doorway into the world of your product or service.
And in conclusion, we don’t just create content, we create commitment and loyalty, like making new friendships.

Secondary content is a good thing. Success needs to be cloned.

Imagine your story about a trip to Las Vegas is a gold mine. So if we got our asses in gear for the adventure, feel free to broadcast the event on all platforms. A good blogger is one who takes every opportunity to be listened to and heard. More channels – more reach, more chances for good luck!

AI: your personal content assistant:

It’s time to forget about those terrible days when we had to grind out posts, scripts for reels, write texts in the cart ourselves.
Now we have AI for these purposes, our faithful assistants and friends. Give them an idea and they will transform it into posts for Telegram, scripts for YouTube, or even reels. Let them work, and you rest.
For example, we can give a promt – write out a script in a storis and ask the neural network to also make such a Telegram post and have it rewrite it. We can also develop into a script for reels. Or even for youtube.
AI SMM – AI-based publication planning can also help you with AI SMM

Things will change, but memes will remain!

They say the future is unpredictable, but in the world of social media, we know one thing: it will always adjust to our whims. In the future, our data will be scattered all over the internet like socks around the apartment after a party. Joke. But in every joke, just a bit of a joke!
1. Target audience: all at once!
Spend time analyzing your target audience? Allocate 40 minutes a day for interviews? Punching information into a spreadsheet. Yeah, forget it! Our audience is now the entire internet. Our mission is like that Pokemon game: “Catch ’em all!” We need organic traffic like plants need light. It doesn’t matter if they know about our product or not – we make interesting content and attract them.
2. Popularity vs Expertise:
Expertise is like yesterday’s snow. Popularity is the new, black. That’s why it’s more important to make content for a wide audience. Showing and talking about the experiences you’ve had, the experiences you’re getting at the moment. About your inner feelings, your anxiety in this frantic content race. Banal about what’s going on in your life. Sincerely. Honestly.
That’s how you build loyalty. Our goal as a Beatles band is to create an army of loyal fans who will follow us into any social media.
3. The era of blogging supergroups is coming:
It’s like The Avengers, but in the world of bloggers. Always when forces come together, the effect is multiplied many times over. So, get ready to see these groupings on every corner!
4. Quoted Content:
Your content should be as quotable as Dovlatov’s books.
And thanks to neural networks, we can translate it into every language in the world – from English to Klingon!
5. the age of avatars:
The time of face-to-face meetings is passing, and now everyone can have their own digital doppelganger. Think of your new avatar as your alter ego in the virtual world. Think also of the fact that they can work for you while you sip your flavored coffee.

Sales 2024: How to turn your subscribers into gold?

Welcome to 2024, where sales isn’t just a business, it’s downright an art form. Profitability is our new best friend.
So buckle up, we’re going on an exciting journey through the world of sales innovation!
1. Net income and profitability: the keys to the treasure trove
– Focus on pots of gold: Now we count every penny of profit like a surly Scrooge McDuck counts his pennies;
Goodbye, Old Methods: Traditional launches will gradually become a thing of the past, like floppy disks and pagers. We’re moving away from launches to evergreen funnels and subscription systems;
– Sales on autopilot: It’s like Netflix, but for businesses – evergreen funnels where customers subscribe to courses like new seasons of their favorite shows.
– Everyone wants subscriptions: People now even subscribe to mailing lists like it’s the new season of Game of Thrones;
2. Neural networks are like your own personal pocket Ogilvy.
– Education 2.0: With neural networks, learning will be more fun than watching tictocks.
– We now work with email bases like DJs on the radio. Creating communities of fans of our brands. Our sales will no longer depend on airtime. It’s important to build a community. Making us unassailable – which means gathering a base by any means necessary.
3. Personalization and segmentation: sales at maximum.
– Sell to everyone: monetization of the base at maximum. Our task is to master segments with the help of neural networks.
– Brands and ambassadors: Our brand grows ambassadors like farmers grow potatoes – with love and care. You don’t have to have a large audience. We can gather ambassadors to have these people sell for us.
5. Sales strategies: from the show to the personalized approach
– Selling just like an entertainment show: We sell by entertaining like a TV show host, turning every deal into an exciting performance.
– Personalized approach: every client gets their own personal manager or neuro-assistant, like a personal butler in the world of sales.
6. Digital innovation and technology: sales of the future
– Neural networks are our new best friends: They make sales easier than ordering a pizza over the phone.
– Hypersegmentation: It’s like targeting ads not just to coffee drinkers, but to those who only drink it with soy milk on Thursdays.
– It becomes dangerous to guarantee results. That is, we don’t have the power to guarantee results at all. Red level triggers are now going under a total ban.
In the sales world of 2024, we are like alchemists turning lead into gold. Using the latest technology, strategies and creativity, we don’t just sell, we create magic. And remember, in a world where anyone can be a salesperson, the king is the one who sells with mind and heart!

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